"Surrounded by an enigmatic atmosphere and providingsubtle chills, "Voice from the Stone" is an elegantly directed,and visually refined mystery drama that benefits
largely from its eerie period setting.."
Geroge Beremov, Cinemarvellous
"This impressive first feature from director Eric Howell is remarkably assured and elegantly mounted thanks to...the production design of Davide De Stefano .."
Soren Andersen, The Seattle Times
"..the film is an incredibly lush and beautiful fillm that uses just as much of its atmosphere....Everything from the production design... is all simply fabulous and creates a lush, beautiful and charismatic environment."
Hunter Hielman, NinerTim
" The imagery and coloring of the film is interesting ...it's a bleak, depressing, but beautiful representation of Italy with broken statues, greyish colors....all of the sadness and decay"
Taylor, Nightmarish Conjurings
"Literally, this film – told in a 1950s Tuscany setting - is visually beautiful..... With lush patterns of thick avocado-colored hedges and acreage in every direction, the carefully manicured land accompanies its massive stone castle-master with a towering crown.
The interior is just as impressive.."
Jeff Mitchell, Phoenix Film Festival
"...the film nicely leverages the
eerie qualities of the setting: a crumbling, centuries-old stone building, complete with mausoleum, that lends the film’s
title only the most explicit level of meaning"
Michael O'Sullivan, The Washington Post